How to Raise Honest Kids in a World Run by Liars

education kids unschooling Jul 16, 2024

Let's face it...if you had an abrupt awakening in 2020 which completely shattered your reality about what you thought you knew, you are most likely still processing some trauma and grief. For me it felt like I was waking up to some version of the 'Truman Show'. The rug was pulled from under me which left me pivoting to make sense of my surroundings while simultaneously travelling down rabbit holes that seemed endless and maddening. 

In the end and through it all one thing remained for most of us...we still had kids to raise and bills to pay. 

This was problematic at first because the more I uncovered the more I came to the conclusion that "I know nothing". This can be a scary insight especially when you pull your kids out of the system and become responsible for their education. 

I asked myself over and over, "if they could lie to us this much about our current affaires, what else have they lied to us about?". I was paralyzed to open a history book and read it to my kids because I could no longer trust the institutions which had raised me and the information they offered.

Was it ALL a lie? Are they all Liars? 

What is this Life really about? Have I been living in a simulation run by a small group of psychopaths that are socially engineering humans to make the worst decisions for themselves and their families? 

All valid questions and concerns but what I found over the years is that I needed to stop, pull myself out of the 'Psy-ops'  which live mostly in the digital domaine and focus on what is Real and tangible in my life. What is Real for me are my kids, family, community, connection to nature and God. So with that in mind and all of this evidence of betrayal...I had to let go of my previous ideals and expectations around parenting, how I thought my kids ought to behave, what was good and bad behaviour and what I felt they ought to know. 

This is a humbling experience because the more I let go the more I realized that "I don't know what's best all of the time". My perceptions are ever shifting with new information of poisons all around me and betrayals from every corporation, government and corporate technocracy. 

So when I was confronted with one of my children lying to me this year, I could not react from the old paradigm that I would have prior to 2020. How could I? How could I be mad at him for lying in a world run by liars and filled with lies?

I used to read in my "holier than thou" parenting book that "you can do anything, but just don't LIE to me".

At a closer glance, when I was willing to look in the mirror. I saw that the behaviour that I was angry about was something that was inside of me. How many times have I lied to him over the years? The tooth-fairy, Santa Clause, telling him to tell the Johova witnesses at the door that I was not home. When our local pool started contact tracing during Covid, I literally showed them how I signed a fake name and number. At the time, it was more important to show them what to do when tyranny comes to your front door and the blissful art of non-violent, non-compliant behaviour. But in the end, it is still lying.

Lying happens when we think that our freedom is going to be taken away, or we will somehow be in trouble or we are people pleasing. 

Wether they are "white lies" or "big lies" they still resonate with a frequency that keeps us out of alignment and disconnected from people around us. The world is run by Liars, so how do we live in it and still show our kids how to choose Integrity?

I realized that the only way to really effect change with my kids is to lead by example. Which means leaning into the behaviours that I find less appealing and seeing them in myself. Once I did this, I was humbled by my own sense of entitlement and I was able to soften my stance with my son and see that we have All been conditioned to lie through various traumas starting in childhood. 

I was able to relate to him, see the innocence in us both and articulate to him all of the ways in which I too hide from the truth. I could then in that moment of disarmament tell him how I thought that there is a time to lie (to those who seek to harm us or infringe on our sovereign rights) but perhaps not with the ones we love as we do not want to severe the trust between us. 

From this stance, my son was incredibly receptive. It was a moment of depth and connection that I would not have otherwise had had I have been unable to look deep within myself and "Unschool my mind" first. 

If we want Freedom for ourselves and our kids it starts in our mind and hearts first!

 If you are interested in Unschooling your own Mind start with bringing awareness with the following questions into your week...

1) Where do I lie, give half truths or embellish stories that are not mine?

2) Where do I lie to myself?

Come from a place of curiosity and child like not berate yourself and pile on more guilt which only keeps us stuck in the shame spiral. We are here to be brave, heal generational traumas and create something new for our kids. 

Want more transformational coaching and support from a loving community? Head over to my website: or email me at [email protected]





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