Top 5 Myths about Unschooling
Jun 11, 2024
There is a lot of judgement and misconceptions around the term "Unschooling". I know this because I too used to be one of those parents who sat in judgement as it sounded like a "willy nilly" granola parenting style to me. Something that I certainly did not identify with prior to 2020.
If I had of listen to Dayna Martin on stage before 2020 talking about how she let her kids have complete Freedom of Mind, technology, food and bedtime...I would have thought she was neglectful at best, crazy at worst. What I have come to learn is that my former judgement was a program that was set in motion by our controllers to successfully do what it had been doing....keeping me from exploring any other option than School.
When we judge something harshly it is usually because we just don't have enough information around it to make an appropriate assumption so the mind categorizes it as "good" or "bad". Anything that means leaving the mainstream herd, or pathing our own path and not asking permission to do it seems "dangerous".
However, in reality "Unschooling" is just growing up "Un-institutionalized." It is the most natural part of parenting because we have already done it from the day they were born until the day that we handed them over to an institution. Because we were sold a story that we were no longer "qualified" and that this was the best way to raise healthy, productive citizens....we never questioned it. We have been trained to outsource our kids on the best hours of the day, the best days of the week and the best years of their lives.
The Top 5 common Myths that I used to believe about "Unschooling" are as follows:
1) Unschooling means Uneducating: this couldn't be further from the truth, there is a HUGE difference between knowledge and information. Schools are jam packed with information that we are forced to memorize and regurgitate for a reward. Knowledge is the true "knowing" of information by application and comes from natural interest in wanting to know that information. Kids are constantly acquiring information in school and once the pressure is off (exams, tests and scores) they lose it which is why the first 3 months of the school year is spent in review of the lsat year. Ask my youngest son about every country and flag and he will recite it to you based on the fact that he studied this out of pure amazes me everytime.
2) Unschooling is Neglectful: I have never been put to task and had to be so present in my life! Unschooling is not for the 'faint of heart'. It requires a present, loving adult who is ready at any time to explore resources and facilitate a child's interest when it peaks. It could be at 9pm at night after you cleaned the kitchen that your son wants to do the coolest experiment with an egg that he just saw on YouTube. It requires patience and an understanding that you cannot force or rush learning just as you cannot force or rush a seedling. You are there to nurture, water and watch it grow with all of your love, care and attention. Nement- eglect is born of No adult involvement- Unschooling is the opposite.
3) Unschooling is Socially Isolating: We are an extremely interactive family. My kids and I use the world as our classroom and from what I have observed they are more social, confident and interested in connecting with adults and all age children than their school peers. They do not interactive with life passively, waiting for someone to direct or give them permission which allows them to be themselves and communicate and show up everyday as they wish. They also know that they are not forced to interact with anyone that they do not choose to out of force or a need to be "polite" just as us adults do...they have Freedom to choose who and when they want to hang out with others.
4) Unschooling means No Curriculum: This is also not true. If a set curriculum is something that a child wants to pursue, then by all means that becomes an option. Curriculum may be perfect for one child but not another. The philosophy is centred around Freedom. Kids get to choose and parents have no interest in forcing anything at anytime because they know that the outcome is not learning but rather a strained relationship. Connection before Curriculum is the key.
5) Kids will not be able to go to University: This is the biggest fear for parents, certainly I was worried that I might screw up their future. Then I came to find that "Unschoolers" are actually sought after by post secondary institutions because they are there by choice which means they are self motivated. Adding to that, Unschoolers are creative, self-assured and great decision makers because they have had the option of choice their whole lives. Tests can be challenged and doors can be opened for post secondary through certain course completions. It is not necessary to have a High School diploma as an entrance requirement.
Unschooling is one of the fastest growing learning model beside Homeschooling. It is an opportunity for us to "course correct" with our kids. There is nothing here to learn...only Remember!
It is time to Rise and Remember who we are as Parents and what we have been charged to do. It is our God given right to raise our children close to us and impart our generational wisdom and wealth to them without government infiltration and indoctrination interfering in the process.
Unschooling is the antidote to Global Tyranny- don't let the Myths get in the way of you exploring this sovereign lifestyle with your Family. Everyday, the more I lean in and face my own programming and let go of what doesn't make sense or serve me to have the closest connection with my family....the more ease and joy enter our lives.
Best kept secret going...if you want to unlearn and need help remembering your right to Freedom and confidence with your kids and their me at [email protected] or join our Unschooling the Mind Academy and buckle up!
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