The Top 5 ways to ‘Unschool’ your child while still in School
Jan 08, 2024I have heard from so many of you who are struggling with what to do with your kids who are still in school for various reasons. It is not an easy time to navigate the old world that is burning and the new world that is not quite built. Here are some tips to help with the transition...
How do we take on this type of Challenge alone?
The old world and systems are on fire and half of the population is seemingly unaware. How do we manage our children? How do we keep them out of harm's way when the New Earth is not fully built.
Well, for one we cannot do it alone. Community is the essence of this movement towards Freedom and away from the Authoritarian Rule.
Whether you are struggling with the decision to pull your kids from government schools due to an ex-spouse who does not agree, family pressure, finances, court orders, illegal jurisdictions, an older child who wants to stay or just plain old fear...
Here are my Top 5 Tips to start Unschooling the mind of your child while they are still in the system.
#1) Question Authority: It is imperative that we do not repeat history by doing the one thing that got 5 billion people to line up and inject poison into themselves and their children: ‘follow perceived authority figures without question’.
We need to teach our children to question authority including our own belief systems. This can be difficult for many as we believe that we are “right” as parents and always know what is best for our children. Although that may be true in some instances such as pulling them out of the indoctrination camps, we as the parents have more conditioning and brainwashing to contend with than our children do. This is also the number one thing that may put a target on their back as a “troublemaker” but as long as they know that you fully support them at home this is the better position for them.
#2 Disempower Grades: Help your child relieve anxiety by not focusing on the outcome of grades. The gold star reward system is used to keep kids running like Pavlov’s dogs on a never ending treadmill
to look for approval from their Master. Grades are a means to create comparison which kills the joy of learning.
Testing is a poor predictor and ranks children by abstract measures. In fact, mass testing breeds dishonesty for institutions who are desperately seeking funding.
Alexander Ingles in 1918 who was one of the founders of standardized testing used these methods to ensure that they could control the masses and “make sure there’s only a certain amount of Chiefs to Indians”. (Click Here for More).
#3 Simplify Home Life: Schools are designed to break a child’s creativity and originality because it is counterproductive to their outcome breeding reflexive, obedient followers. You can make sure that your home life is a sanctuary filled with unrestricted time and freedom for your child to rest, imagine, play and recover from the long rigorous demands of the institution. Put the homework aside, help them self regulate by playing outside. Lots of physical play and one on one time with You!
"It is imperative that we do not repeat history by doing the one thing that got 5 billion people to line up and inject poison into themselves and their children : follow perceived authority figures without question.”
#4) Learn about Propaganda: Most of us had to reignite the art of discernment and how to recognize propaganda over information very quickly since 2020. Imagine how your kids will do without the knowledge or eyes to see through the BS. Now of course you must convey this information in an age appropriate fashion. However, if they are stuck in the system, you must be the first to plant the seed in their fertile minds before the government.
Study the dark agendas in the system first so that you know what you are talking about and so that you can quickly point it out in their homework, library books and through conversation. Understand the ‘no gender agenda”, the harms of Critical Race Theory, the truth about Climate Change and the trap of digitizatizing our identity into the social credit system. Study the UN, WEF and UNESCO policies so that you can make the connections yourself and be vigilant in pointing out who’s behind the messages that they are receiving in schools.
The more that you ‘unschool your own mind’ the more that you will be able to share with your child the Truth . At the precise moment that they are ready to hear it, you will be ready with information and resources.
5) Be the Safe Person for your child: The evil that is lurking behind our educational systems are counting on You being distracted and too busy to see what is going on...the old “How was your day at School?” rigor is not going to cut it!
You have to stay connected with your child, you have to be present, love them and respect them in a way that perhaps you never experienced yourself. Listen carefully to what they are telling you and try to meet their needs in a way that establishes trust between you both. You need to become their “ally” as opposed to the government or social media.
Being the “ally” for your child entails working on yourself ! Accepting that you too have been under forms of mind control your whole life and be ready to make some radical changes to improve your situation.
In Conclusion: The Government is not who we think they are: Yes 95% are good people working for the ‘death star enterprise’ and most of them have no idea what they are truly supporting because they too have been conditioned under the same mind control breeding grounds as the rest of us. They are just closer to the BS and under forms of paycheck mind control.
So for this reason we must resist them at all costs, if you cannot pull your kids out of the system...give them the eyes to see, the courage to speak and the support to know that it is safe for them to do so.
If you're looking to master everything in the realms of brainwashing, mind control, behavior modification and psychological manipulation start working with Jason Christoff as I did and work on becoming the Best version of yourself in order to protect your most precious assets.
If you are looking for support, coaching and a tribe of like minded parents who are navigating their way through these times join my community! Where we discuss and create solutions through powerful knowledge by other thought leaders who are being censored on mainstream platforms. We embrace Family , Faith and Freedom as our core values and empower ourselves as a community to make real change for our children despite what the powers that “ought not be” are planning.
"The more that you ‘Unschool’ your own mind, the more you will be able to share with your child the Truth at at the precise moment that they are ready to hear it.”"
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